„What is to give light must endure burning.“

– Viktor Frankl

Hello traveller, welcome to Widening Circles. I created this project to assist you on your own unique path to finding back home to yourself.

Learn more about me and my work


With a colourful and integrative blend of techniques that have proven to be immensely useful on my own path of understanding the soul’s journey it is my wish to offer my services to anyone in need of assistance during these unprecedented times of collective evolution.

Whether you would like to work on a certain theme or are prefering a more long-term guidance, the goal of my work is to reconnect you with your authentic creative self expression that too often has been buried under age old rubble of social, karmic or collective conditioning.

I have been very fortunate to come in contact with many inspiring teachers and medicine people of different wisdom traditions. In this way I could develop a synthesis of methods and techniques to support you with your challenges and obstacles during your own unique process.


Astrology is not a science or a belief system that we can either chose to have faith in or disregard as quakery. It tells us what we psychologically and karmically came here to work with. I offer single readings or using your natal chart as an ongoing ‚assistant‘ during a consecutive counselling process.



A big part of my work involves working within the realm of spirit. I created my own blend of tools that live inside an intersection of shamanism and light work. During our session together I will connect with spirit to identify what is needed in a given situation.


The akashic and ancestral reading and clearing is a deep and transformative process. I access your akashic records to find karmic root blocks and restrictions that might have been perpetuated throughout several lifetimes and still affect you in your current life.


I offer my sessions mainly online.

Appointments can be booked as single sessions or as part of a series where we go on a journey together to dive deeper into your soul‘s story.

Of course, as I honor your boundaries, the choice and control about our process together will always be in the client‘s hands.

Contact me for a free 15-minute preliminary call.