Shamanism / Light work

Working within the realm of spirit: I created my own blend of tools that live inside an intersection of shamanism and light work. During our session together I will connect with spirit to identify what is needed in a given situation.


A big part of my work to address certain blocks, patterns and stagnant energies that keep us from finding our way back home to ourselves involves working within the realm of spirit. Having been blessed to have learned from and been inspired by different medicine people from various traditions during my studies and travels, I created my own blend of tools that live inside an intersection of shamanism and light work. Involving working with the energies of nature, the celestial realms and the ancestral realm it is my goal to find the right rituals and approaches to bring you back into a state of balance and connection. This could involve cutting unhelpful ties to people and past situations, retrieving lost or dissociated soul parts and shadow aspects, making peace with your ancestral bloodlines, clearing unserving attachments and energies, or working with the inner child.

A harmonized energy flow

The goal of this work is always to achieve a harmonized energy flow within us and an increase in experiencing inner peace, joy and gratitude for the life we have been given. During our session together I will connect with spirit to identify what is needed in a given situation to help bring forth those desired states. Depending on the methods used and the theme you would like to receive for, I will do this work remotely on an agreed on date or during a private session in person.


Would you like to work with me? Please get in touch