Hello, I‘m Florian and it is my wish to be of service to your journey of empowerment and self-expression.

About me

During the many years of my own struggle to fully come home to myself I have been blessed to come in contact with many inspiring teachers and medicine people of different wisdom traditions who have been generously sharing their knowledge with me. My travels over the years have brought me to India, South America and South Africa where I came in touch with a colorful blend of spiritual teachings, shamanic practices and indigenous wisdom.

The result has been my own synthesis of methods and techniques that I would like to offer you to support you with your challenges and obstacles during your own unique process.

Let’s make room for the new

Collectively we have now reached a threshold in our conscious evolution, an unprecedented point in history where the old materialist paradigm of separation, power abuse and competition is being replaced by a new global understanding of our spiritual interconnectedness. Over the next years and decades, this will lead to a radical restructuring of all areas of our public and private lives.

This process of global awakening and giving birth to a new understanding of our humanity can be messy, challenging and overwhelming. As the old structures crumble and the shadows that were hiding in the basement are coming to light, so we individually need to confront our unconscious and repressed material to make room for the new.

After having come face to face with my own personal underworld over the past years, I now feel called to assist you to go through this process with ease and grace.


Before getting started…

I would like this help to be available to anyone who might need it. I understand that receiving support, especially during these times, can be financially challenging. So I am offering a sliding scale of prices per hour - except for the akashic reading and clearing, since this work can be quite time- and energy-consuming.
Please contact me and we will find an individual solution together.