The akashic and ancestral reading and clearing is a deep and transformative process. I access your akashic records to find karmic root blocks and restrictions that might have been perpetuated throughout several lifetimes and still affect you in your current life.
This process could include vows or heart oaths with groups or loved ones, soul attachments, vows of chastity, poverty or programs of victim consciousness, energy body blockages and woundings, or contracts and agreements that limit your creative self-expression. During the reading I will create your individual soul profile and soul story that will help you with making sense of present challenges and acknowledging your past to make room for an empowered future. After the reading is complete we will set up a session together, in which we will discuss the results and go through the clearing process. This process is then continued by you for 21-30 consecutive days to fully integrate the energies.
Identify ancestral patterns
A similar process can be done for your own lineage of ancestors to identify ancestral patterns, wounds and programs that have been passed down through your mother and father bloodlines. Through the scientific findings about epigenetics we came to know that the life experiences of our ancestors can be passed down through our genes, which can result in mysterious mental states and ailments that we otherwise fail to make sense of. The good news is: we are not at the mercy of our genetic, inherited blueprints but can take an active role in shifting and transmuting our ancestral patterns to make new and empowered choices. The clearing process is very similar to the personal akashic reading. The energetic effects that the experiences of your ancestors have on your life will first be highlighted during a reading and then cleared in a separate session.
Both readings can be either booked together or separately, though I recommend to leave some time in between to allow for integration. This work is not a magic pill which will change your patterns over night, but might be followed by a cleansing process where buried emotional and mental energy can resurface to be consciously released. Your active participations is required to become aware of those patterns to make better choices for yourself.